Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Jade figure of a hound Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jade figure of a hound - Research Proposal Example The artwork is in three dimensional, and it is in the form of a small sculpture. For instance, the artwork is symbolic of the importance given to domestic animals in Ancient China. Michael Sullivan opined that, â€Å"To many people â€Å"Ming† means not painting-for only recently has Ming painting come to be appreciated outside China- but the decorative arts.† Besides, one cannot identify any sort of sharp edges on the artwork because the edges are round in shape. The artwork can be divided as: dog’s head, body, and legs. To be specific, the head is pointed backwards and this fills the viewer’s mind with enthusiasm. To be specific, the dog’s head (especially the eyes) is the focal point of the artwork because the dog is expecting something and looking backwards. The next element in the artwork is the dog’s body, and the same is symbolic of the importance of proportion in art. The next element is the legs, symbolic of warmth and peacefulness. In short, the proportionate alignment of artistic elements proves that the artwork was produced by an artist who is interested in observing animals, especially their shape and size. The artwork consists of curves, symbolic of the athletic shape of animals, especially among dogs and other domesticated animals. The overall size of the artwork is related to the normal size of a dog. One can see that the artist did not try to alter the natural colour of jade and the lines and curves on the artwork prove the same. To be specific, the artist made use of jade as a medium to produce his artwork.

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